Touring San Sebastian, Spain

San Sebastien, Spain, is much bigger than we thought it would be and all of the women seem to be wearing harem pants. We fall in love with the architecture immediately. (Side note: it took us about a half hour to figure out how to pay for parking. Our first successful effort to get a parking stub for our windshield gave us exactly 15 minutes. By the time we figured out how to get a second stub, our 15 minutes had expired. We’ll get this eventually).

Our first stroll is through the city streets to the tourist office. Jane L and Liz take a number and wait for the helper dude who speaks English. He gives us maps and ideas. We walk to the water to see the port and the beach.

We find a bar and order of mess of pintxos (pinch-ohs), the Basque version of tapas. Our waiter Ioritz is incredibly cute and takes very good care of us. The sidewalk bar sits in the shadow of the Church of San Sebastien, which is closed or we would go in for a look. At the next table is Mikell, who has two dachshunds and a good nature. He speaks English and tells us he has lived in London, Paris, Tokyo, and Rome, and that he is “in logistics.” We think he is a spy. He’s very patient and teaches us some more Basque words, and lets us take his picture.

The men and the women split up — the women to shop for gifts for the people at home and the men to head for the beach and whatever sights they can manage on the sand filled with bathing beauties, families, and people of all ages.

We reunite at 4 and head for the supermercado, which is way too super for us. Once we’re separated, we aren’t able to find each other again. Eventually, we reunite with enough for two more meals, several breakfasts, and midnight snacks. Life continues to be good.

San Sebastian


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4 comments so far

  1. liz

    My, what an interesting blog!

  2. Linda Harvey

    “Jane L and Liz take a number and wait for the helper dude who speaks English. He gives us maps and ideas.”… how did Jane G not have this city fully researched? What was she doing with her “pre-trip planning time”????

  3. Linda Harvey

    I want the anchovies & olives. I love pintxos! Alcampo… wow!

  4. liz

    Linda, good question indeed! Jane g says she did very little advance planning, which we believe to be true. There’s been a great disturbance in the universe, I fear.

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